Elevate Multi Academy Trust

Local Governing Bodies:

Elevate firmly believes in local governance structures. Local Governing Bodies(LGB) have delegated functions as set out in the Trust’s Scheme of Delegation. The Trustees remain accountable and responsible for these functions.

The duties of the LGBs include:

  • Establishing the vision and ethos for the relevant Academy ensuring that it fits within and promotes Elevate's vision and ethos;
  • Safeguarding and promoting the values of the Academy;
  • Supporting the Head teacher of the Academy and being a critical friend;
  • Monitoring the achievement, quality of teaching and behaviour and safety within the Academy;
  • Engagement with the Academy’s key stakeholders e.g. parents, carers, children and staff;
  • Advising the Trustees about local issues they need to consider that affect the Academy.

The members of the LGB must include 2 elected parents and 1 elected staff member, the Headteacher, co-opted governors and for C of E Academies Foundation governors.

The Chairs of LGB meet termly with the CEO and a Trustee.

The Chairs of the LGBs are:

Aspin Park Dan Wilson
Carlton Miniott Paul Turner
Keeble Gateway Jane Makin
Knaresborough St Johns Ann Westmoreland
Knayton C of E Joanne Jones
Marton Cum Grafton C of E Adam Croft
Meadowside Jean Carter


Diana Wetherell Terry                                                              

South  Kilvington

Andrew Leeming

Sowerby & Alanbrooke Joint LGB 

Myles Strudwick   

Thorner C of E    Dawn Scargill 
Thornton Dale C of E          Gaynor Debarr                               
Topcliffe C of E  Richard Tindall 


For appointments, resignations and attendance of governors please go to the individual Academies websites which can be found in  'Our Academies'.