Well-being for staff and parents
At Elevate we place well-being at the heart of our Trust, as it impacts on how we all feel and our ability to function. Our absolute priority is to work with our staff and parents to promote good mental health and well-being, and to support those who need help.
We acknowledge that mental health interconnects with all aspects of life and that everyone experiences mental health differently. Therefore a key aim is to work with our staff and parents to integrate health and well-being into our day to day activities to enable us to create a positive and healthy working and living environment. Everyone will be encouraged to take responsibility for their own health and well-being and a supportive self-help approach will be adopted as an underpinning principle.
Elevate staff well-being strategy
Maintaining your mental health
DfE - Education Staff Well-Being Charter
Support links and signposting for teachers
Every Academy has a fully trained Well-Being Champion where confidential help, listening and signposting is readily accessible. This not only ensures support is offered in time, but it helps to prevent ongoing issues that could potentially develop into areas of more concern.